Tuesday, 22 October 2013

How to Building Your Custom PC

How to Building Your Custom PC

Picking the perfect components is the rally difficult part. Putting it all together is an easy task for a Saturday afternoon!!

Now that you’ve selected the parts for your Dream Machine, it’s time to assemble your Dream Machine. When your machine is completely built, you’ll experience the singular satisfaction of making something form disparate parts. But we’re skipping ahead before you can get started assembling, you need to prepare.

The first thing you’ll need is time. If this is the first computer you’ve built, plan to spend at least half a day putting the hardware together, and another few hours installing Windows, your drivers and all the Windows updates, and your software. This might seem like a long time, but it will take you a while to wrap your head around the way that the different components actually go together. If you plan to spend a Saturday putting your first PC together, You’ll probably finish with enough time to enjoy a frosty beverage and a death match before it’s time to eat dinner.

OK, you’ve set aside enough time now you need to prepare your workspace and collect the tools you’ll need. You really don’t need anything fancy, just a good Phillips screwdriver (a slightly magnetic one is even OK, as the magnet in a screwdriver rally isn’t powerful enough to bork a hard drive or mess up memory),a pair of needlenose pliers, and antistatic wristband, and a small bowl to hold any parts that are small and easy to lose. It’s also handy to have a small flashlight and a sturdy pair of tweezers especially if you have meaty hands. It’s dark in the recesses of your case, and there are lots of small pieces you’ll need to get in place.

As for your workplace, you really need a large flat surface in a well-lit area. If you have a big dining room table, that’s perfect, but a linoleum or hardwood floor in a low-traffic area of the house is also acceptable. You really need a place where you won’t be disturbed for a few hours. Note: Neither the thick shag carpet in your den nor the wool rug in your living room
are smart places to build a PC. Moving on carpet creates component-killing static electricity, so avoid it!

Let’s talk about static electricity a bit. You can follow a few simple rules to minimize the chance of static electricity damage.

1.Always wear you antistatic wristband, and always keep it attached to the frame of your case.
2.Before you work on your PC, first clip you antistatic wristband onto the case and then unplug the case from the wall.
3.Never work on your PC while it’s plugged into the wall. Even if the computer is off, small amount of electricity moves
from the power supply into the motherboard and other components.
4.Never, ever touch the gold or silver contacts on a memory chip, or any kind of add in card we’re talking about PCI, AGP,
and PCI Express here. And never,ever touch the pins on the bottom of the CPU!

Follow those four simple rules and you should be safe from static. Now, let’s go over a few last dos and don’ts:

1.Do: Check to make sure that you’re putting the right part in the right place.
2.Do: Consult your hardware’s manuals if you have questions. New hardware comes out all the time, and we can’t cover every
variable in this book.
3.Don’t: Use excessive force. There are only a couple of components that require more than a feathery touch to instal.
We’ll let you know what those are in the text.
4.Don’t: Get nervous if everything doesn’t work the first time. Even experienced PC builders at Maximum PC occasionally have
machines that refuse to boot or experience other random problems early on.
5.Do: Read this entire article before you start building your machine. If you read the entire thing before you take out
your screwdriver, you can avoid some common pitfalls.
6.Do: Recruit a friend who knows more about computers to come help you out. Having an excellent book on hand is great, but
having another set of hands with first hand experience building PCs is very helpful.

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You can also read the rest of the series:
for update join on All Time Solutions

for missed page:
1.Building a New Computer :- 1: Choosing Hardware

2.Building a New Computer – 2: Putting it Together

3.Building a New Computer – 3: Setting it Up

4.Building a New Computer – 4: Installing Windows and Loading Drivers

5.Building a New Computer – 5: Tweaking Your New Computer

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