Monday, 11 November 2013

How to limit the no of chances to enter the password at a time in windows PC ?

How to limit the no of chances to enter the password at a time in windows PC ?

Hey guys one day or other there would be a blatant attempt to guess your PC-password in your absence which generally goes unobtrusive by you.By default N no. of attempts can be made to guess the password but as an user you don't want the same. And as usual windows have provided an option to customize it by limiting the attempts to enter the password.

After entering specified no. of wrong passwords(decided by you) the system will lock temporarily for the specified time(again decided for you).For such configuration, follow the steps=>

1.)Open cmd with administrative rights(right click cmd icon and click run as administrator)

2.) net accounts /lockoutthreshold:3

This command sets the attempt limits to 3.After attempting 3 wrong passwords the system will lock-out.You may set the no accordingly and do ensure to set this as 1 or more.

2.)Now, you need to set how long the account will be locked when the password is entered incorrectly. Enter the following, again choosing any option over 1. I set my computer to lock for 30 minutes, but you can choose less or more, depending on your needs.

net accounts /lockoutduration:30

3.)Then enter the following to choose how long to wait before the incorrect login count is reset. It is highly recommend to enter the same number you used for the lockout duration.

net accounts /lockoutwindow:30

Now log-off and enter wrong passwords 5 times .you will get the follwing message :

"The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to" and you system will lock-out for 45 minutes.

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