Saturday, 30 November 2013

Adobe Photoshop_keyboard shortcuts.

Adobe Photoshop_keyboard shortcuts.

open image in full size it will help you
most imp image

other importance keyboard shortcut :_

1..File Menu shortcuts
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S → To Save the
opened document for Web
Ctrl+Shift+P → To change Page Setup for printing
Alt+Ctrl+P → Print the opened document with preview
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+I → To display the info of opened file
Ctrl+Q → To exit from adobe Photoshop

2..Edit Menu shortcuts
Ctrl+Z → To undo/redo the last changes
Alt+Ctrl+Z → Go to one step backward
Shift+Ctrl+Z → Go to one step forward
Ctrl+X or F2 → To cut the selected area
Ctrl+C or F3 → To copy the selected area
Ctrl+V or F4 → To Paste the copied value

3..Image Menu shortcuts
Ctrl+L → To adjust the color levels
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+L → To adjust the auto Contrast
Ctrl+B → To adjust the Color and Tone balance
Ctrl+U → To adjust the Hue/Saturation
Ctrl+Alt+X → To Extract the selected area
Ctrl+I → To Invert

4..Layer Menu Shortcuts
Ctrl+N → To insert new Layer
Ctrl+J → To move Layer via copy
Ctrl+Shift+J → To move Layer via cut
Ctrl+G → To create the Group of layers
Shift+Ctrl+G → To create the ungroup of layers
Ctrl+E → To Merge the Layers
Ctrl+Shift+E → To Merge Visible Select Menu Shortcuts
Ctrl+A → To select all
Ctrl+D → To deselect all
Alt+Ctrl+A → To select all layers
Shift+Ctrl+D → To reselect Filter Menu Shortcuts
Alt+Ctrl+X → To extract the selected image
Shift+Ctrl+X → To Liquify the selected image
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+X → To create the Pattern Preview
Ctrl+F → To view the last Filter
Ctrl++ (Plus) or Ctrl+= (Is equal to)
To apply Zoom in
Ctrl+- (Minus) → To apply Zoom out
Ctrl+0 (Zero) → To view as Fit on screen
Ctrl+R → To display the Rulers
F5 → To display the Brushes panel
F6 → To display the Color panel
F9 → To display the Actions panel Random Shortcuts
Alt+Backspace → To Fill with Foreground Color
Shift+Backspace → To Fill with Background Color
Alt+] → To Ascend through Layers
Alt+[ → To Descend through Layers
Shift+Alt+] → To Select Top Layer
Shift+Alt+[ → To Select Bottom Layer Tab → To Show/Hide All Palettes.

enjoy guys..

for more update join us on facebook AT's All Time Solutions

visit on...Lock Down Your PC With Your USB Flash Drive

Monday, 11 November 2013

How to limit the no of chances to enter the password at a time in windows PC ?

How to limit the no of chances to enter the password at a time in windows PC ?

Hey guys one day or other there would be a blatant attempt to guess your PC-password in your absence which generally goes unobtrusive by you.By default N no. of attempts can be made to guess the password but as an user you don't want the same. And as usual windows have provided an option to customize it by limiting the attempts to enter the password.

After entering specified no. of wrong passwords(decided by you) the system will lock temporarily for the specified time(again decided for you).For such configuration, follow the steps=>

1.)Open cmd with administrative rights(right click cmd icon and click run as administrator)

2.) net accounts /lockoutthreshold:3

This command sets the attempt limits to 3.After attempting 3 wrong passwords the system will lock-out.You may set the no accordingly and do ensure to set this as 1 or more.

2.)Now, you need to set how long the account will be locked when the password is entered incorrectly. Enter the following, again choosing any option over 1. I set my computer to lock for 30 minutes, but you can choose less or more, depending on your needs.

net accounts /lockoutduration:30

3.)Then enter the following to choose how long to wait before the incorrect login count is reset. It is highly recommend to enter the same number you used for the lockout duration.

net accounts /lockoutwindow:30

Now log-off and enter wrong passwords 5 times .you will get the follwing message :

"The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to" and you system will lock-out for 45 minutes.

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join with us on facebook AT's All Time Sloutions.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

How to create keyboard Shortcut to Open Programs Faster

How to create keyboard Shortcut to Open Programs Faster

You can create keyboard shortcuts to open programs. Opening programs this way is often simpler than opening them using your mouse or other pointing device. Before you get started, you need to create a shortcut for the program to which you want to assign a keyboard shortcut. To do this, open the folder that contains the program, right-click the program's executable file, and then click Create Shortcut. For more information about creating shortcuts to programs, see Create or delete a shortcut.

Locate the shortcut to the program that you want to create a keyboard shortcut for.

Right-click the shortcut, and then click Properties.

In the Shortcut Properties dialog box, click the Shortcut tab.

Click in the Shortcut key box, press the key on your keyboard that you want to use in combination with Ctrl+Alt (keyboard shortcuts automatically start with Ctrl+Alt),
and then click OK.

If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

You can now use this keyboard shortcut to open the program.


The word None appears in the Shortcut key box until you press a key; then it's replaced with Ctrl+Alt+the key that you pressed.

The new shortcut might not work for programs that have their own keyboard shortcuts.

You cannot use the Esc, Enter, Tab, Spacebar, PrtScn, Shift, or Backspace keys to create a keyboard shortcut.

You can also create keyboard shortcuts to open files and folders.

enjoy.......guys join us on face book AT's All Time Sloutions.

REPAIR Windows XP Without Bootable CD

REPAIR Windows XP Without Bootable CD

REPAIR Windows XP Without Bootable CD

Many Times the registry entries or files of our system got corrupted because of viruses or other reasons, in this case for repairing windows XP we format our system or repair windows xp by some other ways like by using Bootable cd method. But through this method we can repair our windows xp without using Bootable cd or Formatting System. This Method is Called

Web Folders XP Repairing System.

Follow The Steps for Repairing Windows Xp :
Click On Start
and Goto Run.
In Run Type webfldrs.msi
New Window Will Open In Your Screen
Now Click On Select Reinstall Mode.
Again New Window Will Open In Your Screen
Just Tick Marks On all the Options and Click Ok.

It Will Take Some Time in Repairing Your Windows XP and When the Process will be Completed it will ask to Restart your System then Just Restart your System.
That's It, By Using This Method Your Windows XP will be repaired without using bootable cd or Formatting.

for windows 7

I did Startup Repair first, but it didn’t work. After some Googling I used the DOS Prompt to run the following three commands:

bootrec.exe /fixmbr (fix Master Boot Record)

bootrec.exe /fixboot

bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd (rebuild Boot Configuration Data)

This time I restarted and boo-ya, my Windows 7 was back! What a relief, back in business.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Travelling Agency a C++ Project

Travelling Agency a C++ Project


Travel agencies have to deal with a lot of customers daily. Hence it is very important to maintain records of all the customers. For this purpose we require software that makes it easy to maintain the customer details. The records of various customers can be stored in a single file. This software can be used in large number of travelling agencies where in records of their trips can be added.

In this project “Travelling agency a C++ Project” facilities like registration, search, display, modification, delete etc are provided. The software searches the client data in the database it has created. Moreover the software designed here is used to arrange travel services, give new and improved services and also identify travel related cost savings.


The main objective of the project Travelling agency is to make avail to the customers all sorts of travelling services. A host of services such as registration, display, search, modify etc are provided. In the registration step, the client has to provide his personal details. In the option of display all the client information is read like name, phone, cost etc. in the search tab, if information of a particular client is required, then that be obtained.

In the modify option, customer details can be changed or updated. In the delete option, record of the particular client such as his name, address and other details are deleted from the database. Modifications are also made to execute additional tasks. Also the project can be extended to provide number of places and availability of vehicles.

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <image.h>
#include <misc.h>
#include <pnmfile.h>
#include "segment-image.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc != 6) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s sigma k min input(ppm) output(ppm)\n", argv[0]);
return 1;

float sigma = atof(argv[1]);
float k = atof(argv[2]);
int min_size = atoi(argv[3]);

printf("loading input image.\n");
image<rgb> *input = loadPPM(argv[4]);

int num_ccs;
image<rgb> *seg = segment_image(input, sigma, k, min_size, &num_ccs);
savePPM(seg, argv[5]);

printf("got %d components\n", num_ccs);
printf("done! uff...thats hard work.\n");

return 0;


The project explained here is very useful in maintaining the customer’s details and can work on the existing records of customer details. The workload of the travel agency manager is also considerably reduced. In the near future, the online registration can be implemented.

download Project Report of CSE Travelling Agency a C++ Project .

Traffic Light Implementation Project c++

Traffic Light Implementation Project c++

Traffic Light Implementation Project Description:

Traffic Light Implementation projects main objective is to implement a software for controlling traffic by using lighting system which is controlled automatically basing on the time set in the software. This application can be implemented in many programming languages.

Using this software automatic on and off operations are performed based on the timing we set in the software. Green, Red and orange are lights which are used for traffic controller. By developing this project students can come across different concepts that are using in C++ and understand object oriented programming benfits.

download Traffic Light Implementation project Code

Download Library Management C Project Code and Report

Download Library Management C Project Code and Report

The project entitled LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A C PROJECT is developed as part of the VI Semester RDBMS package project for the partial fulfilment of the BE (Computer Science) degree. The main objective of the application is to automate the existing system of manually maintain the records of the Book Issue, Book Return from the student, Stock Maintenance, Catalogue and Book Search to be computerized. So the Book Issue, Return, Searching will be a more refined and quicker process.


















class book


char bno[6];

char bname[50];

char aname[20];


void create_book()


cout<<"\nNEW BOOK ENTRY...\n";

cout<<"\nEnter The book no.";


cout<<"\n\nEnter The Name of The Book ";


cout<<"\n\nEnter The Author's Name ";


cout<<"\n\n\nBook Created..";



void show_book()


cout<<"\nBook no. : "<<bno;

cout<<"\nBook Name : ";


cout<<"Author Name : ";




void modify_book()


cout<<"\nBook no. : "<<bno;

cout<<"\nModify Book Name : ";


cout<<"\nModify Author's Name of Book : ";




char* retbno()


return bno;



void report()




}; //class ends here





class student


char admno[6];

char name[20];

char stbno[6];

int token;


void create_student()



cout<<"\nNEW STUDENT ENTRY...\n";

cout<<"\nEnter The admission no. ";


cout<<"\n\nEnter The Name of The Student ";




cout<<"\n\nStudent Record Created..";



void show_student()


cout<<"\nAdmission no. : "<<admno;

cout<<"\nStudent Name : ";


cout<<"\nNo of Book issued : "<<token;


cout<<"\nBook No "<<stbno;



void modify_student()


cout<<"\nAdmission no. : "<<admno;

cout<<"\nModify Student Name : ";




char* retadmno()


return admno;



char* retstbno()


return stbno;



int rettoken()


return token;



void addtoken()



void resettoken()



void getstbno(char t[])





void report()



}; //class ends here

It is a software application to maintain the records related to Book Purchase, Stock Maintenance, Book Search, Catalogue, Book Issue, Book Returns, Fine Collection, and all necessary requirements for the Library to manage day to day operations.

This application can be used by any Library to automate the process of manually maintaining the records related to the subject of maintaining the stock and Book Issues.

It is seen that there is no loss of books and students don’t waste time searching for the book required. It is preferred in college libraries where management of books is slightly complicated where students are always referring and borrowing them.

Project Report and source code of CSE LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A C PROJECT .

Thursday, 7 November 2013

How to hide Windows Account for--: windows 7 ,backtrack & all windows?

This technique is used as an back-track on any windows operating system.
It is very useful on those computers where only limited user
accounts are allowed by the owner,and each time to work on it,you have to ask him to fill password in the system.So let us go :

method 1:

Firstly create a new user account (as administrator,if you want )and then

< 1 >Go to run,type cmd and press
enter .
< 2 >Now type
" net localgroup users AccountName /delete " .

Congratulations now your account is hidden .
But how to login through it
when you boot your computer/laptop
next time,because windows will not show this account on the login screen

when you login next time.

< 1 > After booting the system,wait till
login screen appears.Now press
Control+Alt+Delete.Now in the user
enter your username and in pass enter
your password and press login.


method 2:

#Another #method...for Windows

Tto hide additional user accounts on Windows & Logon Use Regedit, also works
for Vista
Hide User Accounts in windows Vista and
Windows 7 Run type regedit
Once in regedit go to

#2.In the left panel, right click on Winlogon and
click New and click Key.
Type SpecialAccounts and press Enter

#3.In the left panel, right click on SpecialAccounts and click New and click Key.
Type UserList and press Enter.
In right panel of UserList, right click on a
empty area and click New then click DWORD
(32bit) Value.

#4.Type in the name of the user account that
you want to hide and press
Everyday Account.
In the right panel, right click on the user
account name and click Modify.

#5.To hide the user account – Type 0 and click
(number zero not the letter)
Whenever you want to use the account just
unhide the it by typing 1 instead of zero.

when you login next time.

< 1 > After booting the system,wait till
login screen appears.Now press
Control+Alt+Delete.Now in the user
enter your username and in pass enter
your password and press login.

join with us on facebook for more update AT's All Time Solutions.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Android operating system project

Android operating system project

Android operating system project is a final year computer science project which is one of the best option for students to implement it as a final year project. As we know Google had entered in to mobile market with android, developing search for mobile operating system will be a challenging for students.This project is developed in C++ language.

Android operating system is developed based on Linux kernel. Java is used as a programming language for developing this software. Android will provide easy compiling using ARM native code although software is implemented in any language. Google along with Open Handset Alliance had developed android system.Mobile search is implemented using C++ language.


By this project, a unique search engine was presented for effective searching Of information through mobile interface. The engine adopts three methods for retrieval: two autonomousand one combinational. The ontology-based method makes use of the semantic mark-up metadata accompanying each collection where an illustrative user interface is used for graphical query formulation. The content-based method makes use of the low-level visual characteristics of the multimedia material while the hybrid method, which is the main contribution of this work, makes a combined use of the previous two methods for offering a more complete result set to the user.


$host = "localhost";
$user = "root";
$pwd = "";
$db = "mobilesearch";

mysql_connect($host,$user,$pwd) or die (" connection error");

mysql_select_db($db) or die("db could not slectd");

//$query ="select * from manage_users where user_name=".$_POST['uname'].";
$query ="select * from users where name='".$_REQUEST['uname']."' and password='".$_REQUEST['password']."'";
$data='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>';
$query1 ="select manage_users.user_name,friends.friend_id from friends,manage_users where friends.user_id=".$x['userid']." AND friends.friend_id=manage_users.userid";
echo "success";
print "failed";

Easy access and portability of the system also helps to increase the performance of the system in a better manner.

Future work includes the extension of the hybrid search engine and the integration of additional cultural content. Finally we are investigating the addition of a semantic recommendation engine to be able to make additional query suggestions to the user in an automatic manner

Future Enhancements

Google is competing with iPhone to reach top place by 2012.

Open handset Alliance is confident in reaching there goal by making android a top brand in market by implementing new features in to android phones. Present there are many users who are developing android apps for fill the gap. Intel in collaboration with Google to implement android notebook. So with these collaborations developing apps like search engine for android phone will be a good sign.

With the help of Fujitsu android is moving step forward by implementing android on embedded hardware, with this collaboration Google can move forward in to markets like GPS devices,Cellphones,Mobile internet devices and media players,notebooks and set top boxes.

download (link soon......)Project Report,project code and paper presentation of CSE Android operating system project .