Saturday, 14 December 2013

Play HIGH GRAPHIC GAMES on your PC without any GRAPHIC CARD..

Play HIGH GRAPHICGAMES on your PC without any GRAPHIC CARD..

If You Want TO Play big Games like Gta
4 On 1gb Or Later Pc :

Now what tools u will need
1. A 3d- analyzer

for download click here

2. Swift shadder 3.0

for download click here

Now we begin our process :

- Install gta - 4
- Download and install 3d analyzer
- Download swift shadder and paste in
your game install directory dont put in
any sub folder in install directory.
just put in root of your gta 4 install
- Now open 3d analyzer
I. click select and browse for your
gta4.exe in install directory then click
on open.
II. In vendor id and device id put Nividia
geforcefx 5900 ultra id's
That's it Now you can Play Good Games
on your PC with out any Graphic
..share it with ur friends...

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Thursday, 12 December 2013

linux cammand-4th tutorial

#Chapter4 Linux_cmd
A Guided Tour

It's time to take our tour. The table below lists some interesting places to explore. This is by no means a complete list, but it should prove to be an interesting adventure. For each of the directories listed below, do the following:

*cd into each directory.
*Use ls to list the contents of the directory.
*If you see an interesting file, use the file command to determine its contents.
*For text files, use less to view them.
*Interesting directories and their contents

#Directory --> Description
/ ==> The root directory where the file system begins. In most cases the root directory only contains subdirectories.

/boot ==> This is where the Linux kernel and boot loader files are kept. The kernel is a file called vmlinuz.

/etc ==> The /etc directory contains the configuration files for the system. All of the files in /etc should be text files.

/etc/passwd ==> The passwd file contains the essential information for each user. It is here that users are defined.
/etc/fstab ==> The fstab file contains a table of devices that get mounted when your system boots. This file defines your disk drives.
/etc/hosts ==> This file lists the network host names and IP addresses that are intrinsically known to the system.
/etc/init.d ==> This directory contains the scripts that start various system services typically at boot time.

/bin, /usr/bin ==> These two directories contain most of the programs for the system. The /bin directory has the essential programs that the system requires to operate, while /usr/bin contains applications for the system's users.

/sbin, /usr/sbin ==> The sbin directories contain programs for system administration, mostly for use by the superuser.
/usr ==> The /usr directory contains a variety of things that support user applications. Some highlights:

/usr/share/X11 ==> Support files for the X Windows system
/usr/share/dict ==> Dictionaries for the spelling checker. Bet you didn't know that Linux had a spelling checker. See look and ispell.
/usr/share/doc ==> Various documentation files in a variety of formats.
/usr/share/man ==> The man pages are kept here.
/usr/src ==> Source code files. If you installed the kernel source code package, you will find the entire Linux kernel source code here.

/usr/local ==> /usr/local and its subdirectories are used for the installation of software and other files for use on the local machine. What this really means is that software that is not part of the official distribution (which usually goes in /usr/bin) goes here.

When you find interesting programs to install on your system, they should be installed in one of the /usr/local directories. Most often, the directory of choice is /usr/local/bin.
/var ==> The /var directory contains files that change as the system is running. This includes:
/var/log ==> Directory that contains log files. These are updated as the system runs. You should view the files in this directory from time to time, to monitor the health of your system.
/var/spool ==> This directory is used to hold files that are queued for some process, such as mail messages and print jobs. When a user's mail first arrives on the local system (assuming you have local mail), the messages are first stored in /var/spool/mail

/lib ==> The shared libraries (similar to DLLs in that other operating system) are kept here.

/home ==> /home is where users keep their personal work. In general, this is the only place users are allowed to write files. This keeps things nice and clean

/root ==> This is the superuser's home directory.

/tmp ==> /tmp is a directory in which programs can write their temporary files.

/dev ==> The /dev directory is a special directory, since it does not really contain files in the usual sense. Rather, it contains devices that are available to the system. In Linux (like Unix), devices are treated like files. You can read and write devices as though they were files. For example /dev/fd0 is the first floppy disk drive, /dev/sda (/dev/hda on older systems) is the first IDE hard drive. All the devices that the kernel understands are represented here.

/proc ==> The /proc directory is also special. This directory does not contain files. In fact, this directory does not really exist at all. It is entirely virtual. The /proc directory contains little peep holes into the kernel itself. There are a group of numbered entries in this directory that correspond to all the processes running on the system. In addition, there are a number of named entries that permit access to the current configuration of the system. Many of these entries can be viewed. Try viewing /proc/cpuinfo. This entry will tell you what the kernel thinks of your CPU.

/media,/mnt ==> Finally, we come to /media, a normal directory which is used in a special way. The /media directory is used for mount points. As we learned in the second lesson, the different physical storage devices (like hard disk drives) are attached to the file system tree in various places. This process of attaching a device to the tree is called mounting. For a device to be available, it must first be mounted.

When your system boots, it reads a list of mounting instructions in the file /etc/fstab, which describes which device is mounted at which mount point in the directory tree. This takes care of the hard drives, but you may also have devices that are considered temporary, such as CD-ROMs and floppy disks. Since these are removable, they do not stay mounted all the time. The /media directory is used by the automatic device mounting mechanisms found in modern desktop oriented Linux distributions. On systems that require manual mounting of removable devices, the /mnt directory provides a convenient place for mounting these temporary devices. You will often see the directories /mnt/floppy and /mnt/cdrom. To see what devices and mount points are used, type mount.

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#Chapter3 Linux_cmd

#Looking Around
Now that you know how to move from working directory to working directory, we're going to take a tour of your Linux system and, along the way, learn some things about what makes it tick. But before we begin, I have to teach you some tools that will come in handy during our adventure. These are:
ls (list files and directories)
less (view text files)
file (classify a file's contents)

The ls command is used to list the contents of a directory. It is probably the most commonly used Linux command. It can be used in a number of different ways. Here are some examples:

#Examples of the ls command
ls --> List the files in the working directory

ls /bin --> List the files in the /bin directory (or any other directory you care to specify)

ls -l --> List the files in the working directory in long format

ls -l /etc /bin --> List the files in the /bin directory and the /etc directory in long format

ls -la .. --> List all files (even ones with names beginning with a period character, which are normally hidden) in the parent of the working directory in long format

These examples also point out an important concept about commands. Most commands operate like this:
command -options arguments
where command is the name of the command, -options is one or more adjustments to the command's behavior, and arguments is one or more "things" upon which the command operates.
In the case of ls, we see that ls is the name of the command, and that it can have one or more options, such as -a and -l, and it can operate on one or more files or directories.

#A Closer Look At Long Format
If you use the -l option with ls, you will get a file listing that contains a wealth of information about the files being listed. Here's an example:

-rw------- 1 bshotts bshotts 576 Apr 17 1998 weather.txt
drwxr-xr-x 6 bshotts bshotts 1024 Oct 9 1999 web_page
-rw-rw-r-- 1 bshotts bshotts 276480 Feb 11 20:41 web_site.tar
-rw------- 1 bshotts bshotts 5743 Dec 16 1998 xmas_file.txt

---------- ------- ------- -------- ------------ -------------
| | | | | |
| | | | | File Name
| | | | |
| | | | +--- Modification Time
| | | |
| | | +------------- Size (in bytes)
| | |
| | +----------------------- Group
| |
| +-------------------------------- Owner
+---------------------------------------------- File Permissions

^File Name
The name of the file or directory.
^Modification Time
The last time the file was modified. If the last modification occurred more than six months in the past, the date and year are displayed. Otherwise, the time of day is shown.
The size of the file in bytes.
The name of the group that has file permissions in addition to the file's owner.
The name of the user who owns the file.
^File Permissions
A representation of the file's access permissions. The first character is the type of file. A "-" indicates a regular (ordinary) file. A "d" indicates a directory. The second set of three characters represent the read, write, and execution rights of the file's owner. The next three represent the rights of the file's group, and the final three represent the rights granted to everybody else.
less is a program that lets you view text files. This is very handy since many of the files used to control and configure Linux are human readable (as opposed to the legacy operating systems).

The less program is invoked by simply typing:
less text_file

This will display the file.

#Controlling less
Once started, less will display the text file one page at a time. You may use the Page Up and Page Down keys to move through the text file. To exit less, type "q". Here are some commands that less will accept:

#Keyboard commands for the less program
Page Up or b --> Scroll back one page

Page Down or space --> Scroll forward one page

G --> Go to the end of the text file

1G --> Go to the beginning of the text file

/characters --> Search forward in the text file for an occurence of the specified characters

n --> Repeat the previous search

q --> Quit

As you wander around your Linux system, it is helpful to determine what a file contains before you try to view it. This is where the filecommand comes in. file will examine a file and tell you what kind of file it is.
To use the file program, just type:
file name_of_file

The file program can recognize most types of files, such as:

#Various kinds of files

File Type --> Description --> Viewable as text?
ASCII text --> The name says it all --> yes

Bourne-Again shell script text --> A bash script --> yes

ELF 32-bit LSB core file --> A core dump file (a program will create this when it crashes) --> no

ELF 32-bit LSB executable --> An executable binary program --> no

ELF 32-bit LSB shared object --> A shared library --> no

GNU tar archive -->A tape archive file. A common way of storing groups of files. --> no, use tar tvf to view listing.

gzip compressed data --> An archive compressed with gzip --> no

HTML document text --> A web page --> yes

JPEG image data --> A compressed JPEG image --> no

PostScript document text --> A PostScript file --> yes

RPM --> A Red Hat Package Manager archive --> no, use rpm -q to examine contents.

Zip archive data --> An archive compressed with zip --> no

While it may seem that most files cannot be viewed as text, you will be surprised how many can. This is especially true of the important configuration files. You will also notice during our adventure that many features of the operating system are controlled by shell scripts. In Linux, there are no secrets!

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linux cammand-2nd tutorial

#Chapter2 Linux_cmd


In this lesson, I will introduce your first three commands: pwd (print working directory), cd (change directory), and ls (list files and directories).

If you have not worked with a command line interface before, you will need to pay close attention to this lesson, since the concepts will take some getting used to.

*File System Organization

Like that legacy operating system, the files on a Linux system are arranged in what is called a hierarchical directory structure. This means that they are organized in a tree-like pattern of directories (called folders in other systems), which may contain files and other directories. The first directory in the file system is called the root directory. The root directory contains files and subdirectories, which contain more files and subdirectories and so on and so on.

Most graphical environments today include a file manager program to view and manipulate the contents of the file system. Often you will see the file system represented like this:(image in pic)

One important difference between the legacy operating system and Unix/Linux is that Linux does not employ the concept of drive letters. While drive letters split the file system into a series of different trees (one for each drive), Linux always has a single tree. Different storage devices may contain different branches of the tree, but there is always a single tree.


Since a command line interface cannot provide graphic pictures of the file system structure, it must have a different way of representing it. Think of the file system tree as a maze, and you are standing in it. At any given moment, you stand in a single directory. Inside that directory, you can see its files and the pathway to its parent directory and the pathways to the subdirectories of the directory in which you are standing.

The directory you are standing in is called the working directory. To find the name of the working directory, use the pwd command.

[me@linuxbox me]$ pwd

When you first log on to a Linux system, the working directory is set to your home directory. This is where you put your files. On most systems, your home directory will be called /home/your_user_name, but it can be anything according to the whims of the system administrator.

To list the files in the working directory, use the ls command.

[me@linuxbox me]$ ls

Desktop Xrootenv.0 linuxcmd
GNUstep bin nedit.rpm
GUILG00.GZ hitni123.jpg nsmail

I will come back to ls in the next lesson. There are a lot of fun things you can do with it, but I have to talk about pathnames and directories a bit first.


To change your working directory (where you are standing in the maze) you use the cd command. To do this, type cd followed by the pathname of the desired working directory. A pathname is the route you take along the branches of the tree to get to the directory you want. Pathnames can be specified in one of two different ways; absolute pathnames or relative pathnames. Let's deal with absolute pathnames first.

An absolute pathname begins with the root directory and follows the tree branch by branch until the path to the desired directory or file is completed. For example, there is a directory on your system in which programs are installed for the X window system. The pathname of the directory is /usr/X11R6/bin. This means from the root directory (represented by the leading slash in the pathname) there is a directory called "usr" which contains a directory called "X11R6" which contains a directory called "bin".

Let's try this out:

[me@linuxbox me]$ cd /usr/X11R6/bin
[me@linuxbox bin]$ pwd

[me@linuxbox bin]$ ls

Animate import xfwp
AnotherLevel lbxproxy xg3
Audio listres xgal
Auto lndir xgammon
Banner makedepend xgc
Cascade makeg xgetfile
Clean mergelib xgopher
Form mkdirhier xhexagons
Ident mkfontdir xhost
Pager mkxauth xieperf
Pager_noxpm mogrify xinit
RunWM montage xiterm
RunWM.AfterStep mtv xjewel
RunWM.Fvwm95 mtvp xkbbell
RunWM.MWM nxterm xkbcomp

and many more...

Now we can see that we have changed the current working directory to /usr/X11R6/bin and that it is full of files. Notice how your prompt has changed? As a convenience, it is usually set up to display the name of the working directory.

Where an absolute pathname starts from the root directory and leads to its destination, a relative pathname starts from the working directory. To do this, it uses a couple of special symbols to represent relative positions in the file system tree. These special symbols are "." (dot) and ".." (dot dot).

The "." symbol refers to the working directory and the ".." symbol refers to the working directory's parent directory. Here is how it works. Let's change the working directory to /usr/X11R6/bin again:

[me@linuxbox me]$ cd /usr/X11R6/bin
[me@linuxbox bin]$ pwd

O.K., now let's say that we wanted to change the working directory to the parent of /usr/X11R6/bin which is /usr/X11R6. We could do that two different ways. First, with an absolute pathname:

[me@linuxbox bin]$ cd /usr/X11R6
[me@linuxbox X11R6]$ pwd

Or, with a relative pathname:

[me@linuxbox bin]$ cd ..
[me@linuxbox X11R6]$ pwd

Two different methods with identical results. Which one should you use? The one that requires less typing!

Likewise, we can change the working directory from /usr/X11R6 to /usr/X11R6/bin in two different ways. First using an absolute pathname:

[me@linuxbox X11R6]$ cd /usr/X11R6/bin
[me@linuxbox bin]$ pwd

Or, with a relative pathname:

[me@linuxbox X11R6]$ cd ./bin
[me@linuxbox bin]$ pwd

Now, there is something important that I must point out here. In almost all cases, you can omit the "./". It is implied. Typing:

[me@linuxbox X11R6]$ cd bin

would do the same thing. In general, if you do not specify a pathname to something, the working directory will be assumed. There is one important exception to this, but we won't get to that for a while.

*A couple of shortcuts

If you type cd followed by nothing, cd will change the working directory to your home directory.

A related shortcut is to type cd ~user_name. In this case, cd will change the working directory to the home directory of the specified user.

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4.linux cammand-tutorial 1st

linux cammand --tutorial 1st

#Chapter1 on Linux Commands

You have Linux installed and running. The GUI is working fine, but you are getting tired of changing your desktop themes. You keep seeing this "terminal" thing.

Don't worry, we'll show you

Why Bother?

Why do you need to learn the command line anyway? Well, let me tell you a story. A few years ago we had a problem where I used to work. There was a shared drive on one of our file servers that kept getting full. I won't mention that this legacy operating system did not support user quotas; that's another story. But the server kept getting full and it stopped people from working. One of our software engineers spent the better part of a day writing a C++ program that would look through all the user's directories and add up the space they were using and make a listing of the results. Since I was forced to use the legacy OS while I was on the job, I installed a Linux-like command line environment for it. When I heard about the problem, I realized I could do all the work this engineer had done with this single line:

du -s * | sort -nr > $HOME/user_space_report.txt
Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are helpful for many tasks, but they are not good for all tasks. I have long felt that most computers today are not powered by electricity. They instead seem to be powered by the "pumping" motion of the mouse! Computers were supposed to free us from manual labor, but how many times have you performed some task you felt sure the computer should be able to do but you ended up doing the work yourself by tediously working the mouse? Pointing and clicking, pointing and clicking.

I once heard an author say that when you are a child you use a computer by looking at the pictures. When you grow up, you learn to read and write. Welcome to Computer Literacy 101. Now let's get to work.

#A Our First Topic Is

What Is "The #Shell"?

Simply put, the shell is a program that takes commands from the keyboard and gives them to the operating system to perform. In the old days, it was the only user interface available on a Unix-like system such as Linux. Nowadays, we have graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in addition to command line interfaces (CLIs) such as the shell.

On most Linux systems a program called bash (which stands for Bourne Again SHell, an enhanced version of the original Unix shell program, sh, written by Steve Bourne) acts as the shell program. Besides bash, there are other shell programs that can be installed in a Linux system. These include: ksh, tcsh and zsh.

What's A "Terminal?"

It's a program called a terminal emulator. This is a program that opens a window and lets you interact with the shell. There are a bunch of different terminal emulators you can use. Most Linux distributions supply several, such as: gnome-terminal, konsole, xterm, rxvt, kvt, nxterm, and eterm.

Starting A Terminal

Your window manager probably has a way to launch a terminal from the menu. Look through the list of programs to see if anything looks like a terminal emulator. If you are a KDE user, the terminal program is called "konsole," in Gnome it's called "gnome-terminal." You can start up as many of these as you want and play with them. While there are a number of different terminal emulators, they all do the same thing. They give you access to a shell session. You will probably develop a preference for one, based on the different bells and whistles each one provides.

Testing The Keyboard

OK, let's try some typing. Bring up a terminal window. You should see a shell prompt that contains your user name and the name of the machine followed by a dollar sign. Something like this:

[me@linuxbox me]$

Excellent! Now type some nonsense characters and press the enter key.

[me@linuxbox me]$ kdkjflajfks

If all went well, you should have gotten an error message complaining that it cannot understand you:

[me@linuxbox me]$ kdkjflajfks

bash: kdkjflajfks: command not found

Wonderful! Now press the up-arrow key. Watch how our previous command "kdkjflajfks" returns. Yes, we have command history. Press the down-arrow and we get the blank line again.

Recall the "kdkjflajfks" command using the up-arrow key if needed. Now, try the left and right-arrow keys. You can position the text cursor anywhere in the command line. This allows you to easily correct mistakes.

You're not logged in as root, are you?

If the last character of your shell prompt is # rather than $, you are operating as the superuser. This means that you have administrative privileges. This can be potentially dangerous, since you are able to delete or overwrite any file on the system. Unless you absolutely need administrative privileges, do not operate as the superuser.

Using The Mouse

Even though the shell is a command line interface, the mouse is still handy.

Besides using the mouse to scroll the contents of the terminal window, you can copy text with the mouse. Drag your mouse over some text (for example, "kdkjflajfks" right here on the browser window) while holding down the left button. The text should highlight. Release the left button and move your mouse pointer to the terminal window and press the middle mouse button (alternately, you can press both the left and right buttons at the same time if you are working on a touch pad). The text you highlighted in the browser window should be copied into the command line.

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Download your YouTube Videos in their Original Resolution

Download your YouTube Videos in their Original Resolution

While there are quite a few software tools and apps available that let you download videos from YouTube for offline watching, you don’t really need them anymore if you are looking to download your own videos from the YouTube website.

The easiest way to download an individual YouTube video click is through the Video Manager. Click the Edit button next to a video that you wish to download (see screenshot) and choose “Download MP4″ from the dropdown.

download click- download manager

(see screenshot)

Download your YouTube Videos, legally
This method has been around for a while now but the one big limitation is that the quality of the downloaded videos isn’t the same as your original clips. Your 720p and 1080p HD video will be saved at 480p.

If this lone limitation has been keeping you from hosting any of your videos on YouTube, worry no more. You now have an option to download all your YouTube videos in their original resolution. Here’s how:

Go to and click the Create Archive button. Google will now create a zipped archived with all the videos that you have ever uploaded to YouTube.
Once the archive says 100%, proceed to the Downloads tab to grab the actual files. If the archive is large, Google Takeout will split them into individual files of 2 GB each.

The downside is that you have to download the entire archives – there’s no option to download individual video in high resolution.

That said, if you are planning to copy videos from YouTube to Vimeo or another video hosting service but don’t have access to the source video files, you’ll find this new option extremely handy.

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also see: how-to-play-ps2-games-on-pc-or-laptop

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

How to play PS2 games on PC or Laptop

How to play PS2 games on PC or Laptop -----------------------------------

In this post i will show you how to play Sony play station 2 games on PC.Most of the people in this world irrespective of there age play wonderful games in pc and they get bored.For them i am gonna show how to play the ps2 game son pc by using a simple software called PCSX2 software.
PCSX2 it is a free emulator which is used to play playstation games on windows,linus,mac


1.First of all,you need to download the emulator that is PCSX2. You can download it by clicking here(CLICK HERE).

2.After downloading install it and you will see the screen like this.Now you can check or uncheck the directx web setup if you want as it takes too much time to download it from the can download it from the net manually.

3.Now download the bios for the emulator,you can download them by clicking here(CLICK HERE).

4.Now go to your documents there you will find a folder with name PCSX2.
5.Rename the PCSX2 folder to PCSX2 0.9.8 (Or something else, it actually doesn't matter).

6.Create a new folder in My Documents called 'PCSX2', this is where you will store the PCSX2 files and BIOS.Now move the BIOS which you have download to the folder named PCSX2.

7.Now move the folder PCSX2 to PCSX2 0.9.8 and you should have like this.

8.Now start the program and you will find a window like this,now select the plugins.
GS-Gsdx 4600

PAD(configuration of keyboard or joystick)-lilypad svn

SPU2(sound)-spu2-x r4600m

CDVD(How you gonna run the game)-Linuz iso cdvd

USB-usb null driver 0.7.0

FW-fwnull driver 0.7.0

DEV9-dev9 null driver 0.5.0


you can choose the plugins depending upon your system performance or you can live the settings as it is.
9.Now,select the bios path(in this i have used C:\Users\CHINNU\Documents\PCSX2 0.9.8\PCSX2\bios) as shown below.You can choose any console i have choosen USA V1.60 as console.

10.After doing it,press finish.Now you will see the starting window of PCSX2.

11.You can change the plugins and bios by clicking on config>plugin/bios selector and you can change them.
12.Now you have to configure the controllers in order to play with keyboard and mouse in order to do this go
config>controller(pad)>plugin settings.
now go in to the pad 1 and select your contols.If you are using any consoles like xbox 360 or ps3 controller you will get the controls automatically when you connect it to your pc.

configuring keyboard settings or game pad settings:

Click on config and then on controllers and plugin settings.

Now click on pad1 and you are gonna see many buttons on right side.In order to configure click on that button and then click on the respective button on the keyboard.

In order to play you need to configure Triangle , Square , Cross , Circle , L1 ,L2,D-pad,Select and Start.

13.Now in order to start the game,click on
CDVD>iso selector>browse
now browse for the game which is an iso file and click ok.

14.Now click on system and then on boot cdvd(full) and play the game . That's it friends now enjoy the PS2 games on PC.

enjoy guys..........................................................................

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Also see: A Simple Trick to make Windows 7 Genuine using Command Prompt

A Simple Trick to make Windows 7 Genuine using Command Prompt

A Simple Trick to make Windows 7 Genuine using Command Prompt

How many of you using Genuine windows 7 ?
we all know that everyone can't buy a genuine windows 7, because cost is too high.
Lots of Windows 7 users have experienced the error message that "Windows 7 is not genuine".
This error message comes if you use pirated or OEM versions of Windows 7.
If windows 7 is not genuine, even you can't change the background wallpaper or any other display related option on your PC.

So now i'm going to show you a easy way to make your windows 7 genuine using command prompt.

How to make Windows 7 genuine using Command Prompt

Press Windows key + R
Now "run" box will appear , in "run" box type CMD
Click on OK
Note : Run CMD as Administrator

Now command prompt will appear

In command prompt type SLMGR -REARM
Hit Enter.

Wait 5-10 seconds

Now a message will appear as shown in image below.

Done !!!
Now your Windows 7 is genuine .. :D
Restart your PC once. Hereafter you won't see the warning message that "Windows 7 is not genuine"

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Also see :play-any-youtube-playlist-with-vlc.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Play any YouTube Playlist with VLC Media Player

Play any YouTube Playlist with VLC Media Player

Do you know that VLC Media Player, the world’s favorite video player that supports nearly every video format, can also play YouTube videos on your desktop without requiring the web browser or the Adobe Flash player.

To get started, open the VLC player, press Ctrl+N to open the Network URL dialog and paste any YouTube video URL in the input box.

The Benefits of Watching YouTube Videos with VLC

The streaming videos will play inside VLC Media Player just like any other local video file while offering some additional benefits not available inside the standard YouTube player. For instance:

1.You can choose Video -> Always on Top inside VLC and the YouTube video window will stick to the foreground while you work on other tasks.

2.Press the Loop button in the player controls and the YouTube video will play non-stop in a loop (also possible with Chrome add-ons).

3.You can change the Playback speed of the YouTube video and make it run slower or faster than the normal speed.

4.Use the Tools -> Take Snapshot option to capture a screenshot image of any frame or scene in the YouTube video.

5.Watch the YouTube videos without the ads. I played a couple of movies and music videos inside VLC and none of them carried any pre-roll ads.

Play YouTube Playlists inside VLC

VLC, by default, only supports single YouTube URLs but it also possible to import an entire YouTube Playlist into VLC and watch all the videos in sequence.

You can watch an entire playlist of YouTube videos inside VLC Media Player.
Here’s the trick. Right-click and save this file to your desktop. Now open the VLC installation folder (%ProgramFiles%\VideoLAN\VLC) and move the .lua file into the exiting /lua/playlist folder.
Restart the VLC Media Player and choose Media -> Open Network Stream. Now paste the URL of any public YouTube Playlist here and the enjoy the videos.

Also see: Send a Free Fax to Anywhere in the World

In addition to YouTube, VLC Player can also play DailyMotion videos outside the browser. It is supposed to work with Vimeo videos as well but that is currently broken possibly due to a change in the URL structure at Vimeo’s end.
Thanks amit agrawal & ajit thakur

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Also see: Send a Free Fax to Anywhere in the World

Send a Free Fax to Anywhere in the World

Send a Free Fax to Anywhere in the World

If you don’t have a fax machine at hand, or if the cost of sending an international fax seems prohibitive, this should interest you.

Send an online fax for free to any fax machine in the world
HelloFax, the online fax company, has recently partnered with Microsoft and now lets you send up to 50 pages per month to any fax machine in the world for free. All your need is a web browser and a Microsoft account (your Hotmail or Windows Live ID should also work).

To get started, go to and click the “Sign-up with Microsoft” link. Once your are signed in, just upload any document and put in a fax number (with country code) to send your first online fax. Once your fax has been successfully delivered, a copy of the outbound fax document will be automatically saved in your SkyDrive.

You can use HelloFax to send Word documents, PDFs, text files, images and several other popular formats. You can also pull in documents directly from your SkyDrive, Box, Dropbox, Evernote and Google Drive accounts for faxing.

Also see: The Most Useful Email Addresses That You Should Save in your Address Book

Your free account will only help you send faxes to other numbers but in order to receive faxes, you’ll have to buy an incoming fax number that costs around $7.99 per month.

note__ If you don’t have a Microsoft account, go to and use your Google Account to sign-up for HelloFax. You will still get credit for sending up to 50 faxes per month for free for a maximum of 6 months.

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Also see: The Most Useful Email Addresses That You Should Save in your Address Book

The Most Useful Email Addresses

The Most Useful Email Addresses That You Should Save in your Address Book

If you have a basic mobile phone that doesn’t offer apps or even a decent web browser, you can still upload and publish content on to your favorite websites using just the email program on your phone. There’s more. You can write tweets, upload files to Dropbox, convert documents, post videos, get dictionary meanings of words – all through a simple email message.

Here’re some useful email addresses that you should save in your phone’s address book. These will also come handy when you happen to be at a place where access to certain websites – like Twitter or Facebook – is restricted. You can get around those restrictions by pushing content through your email program.

1. – Previously known as Mail2Blogger, your Blogger’s blog has a secret email address and any message sent to this address will be published directly to your blog. You can post text and images upto 10 MB in size by email to your blog. You can find the email address inside the Mobile and Email settings pane of your Blogger Blog.

2. – Your Flickr account offers a unique email address, you can email your photos and videos to this email address and they’ll show up in your Flickr account almost instantly. The address can be found in your Flickr settings page.

The subject line of email becomes the photo’s title while the body of the email becomes the photo’s description. You can also specify the privacy level of your upload via email itself. For instance, will make your uploads visible to everyone while will upload the photos privately.

3. – Like Blogger, you can also publish posts to your WordPress blogs by email. The email subject is used as your post’s title while the message body and image attachments will become the post’s content.

4. – You can use email to file notes into your Evernote notebooks. The title of the email subject becomes the title of the note in Evernote and you can also include hashtags in the same subject line and they are automatially assigned to your note. You can use the @ symbol to send the note to a particular notebook.

For instance, an email note with the subject line “Expense Report @travel #spain” would create a note titled Expense Report in your Travel notebook, tagged with spain. Your Evernote email address is located in the Settings tab on the Evernote website.

5. – If the YouTube app on your mobile phone doesn’t support video uploads, in the case of Windows Phone users, you can still upload mobile videos to the YouTube website via your email program.

Go to your YouTube account settings and grab your secret upload-by-email address. To upload the video, email the video file to the email address and you’ll receive a confirmation SMS or email letting you know the video was successfully uploaded.

6. - Take a screenshot on your mobile phone and send it this email address. The service will automatically detect the device, using EXIF data, on which that screenshot was captured and it will email you the image back but after adding a nice device frame around that screenshot (examples) so it looks even more awesome.

7. – You can get the dictionary definition and synonyms of any word by sending a blank email to this email address. Make the subject line as: define myword

8. – If Pocket is you preferred Read Later service, this is one email address that will come very handy. You can save any web link or video to your Pocket list by simply emailing the URL to The link should be included in the body of the email (not the subject) and that there can be only one URL per email.

9. – You can connect your Twitter account with IFTTT and you’ll then be post tweets via email itself. Once the recipe is setup, just send an email message to with #twitter as the subject line and your email body will be posted as a new update in your Twitter account. You can also post pictures to Twitter via email.

10. – You can upload files to Google Drive, SkyDrive and Dropbox accounts by email with the help of IFTTT recipes. Alternatively, you can connect your cloud storage accounts to and it will provide you a unique email address. Any files sent to that email address will land up in your cloud drive. The free version however will only upload files that are 5 MB or less.

11. – Your Kindle Reader has a unique email address but it only accepts documents and you cannot send web links to your Kindle email address. That’s where Readability can help. If you wish to read a web article on your Kindle, just email the URL of that article to your Readability address and it will send a daily digest of your articles to Kindle that you read on the go [Kindle Guide].

12. – Tumblr, like WordPress and Blogger, also lets you publish content by email. Click the Settings icon in your Tumblr dashboard, click the Blog name and you’ll find your private email address in the “Post by Email” section. The title of your email becomes the title of the post but if you are posting a photo, the subject become the caption of the photo on your Tumblr blog.

13. – Go to your Facebook settings and you’ll find the Post-by-email address under the Mobile section. Email a photo or video to this address and it will be automatically posted to Facebook. The subject of the mail becomes the caption of your photo or video and if the email includes no photos or videos, the email subject will be your new Facebook status. Photos and videos uploaded by email are public by default.

14. – Did you know that you can convert files by email? Just email the documents in any format to and it will send you a link where you can download the converted documents. The destination email address varies depending on the your file format. If you wish to convert a Word document to PDF, send the document to For converting a WAV file to MP3, send the audio file to

15. – You can browse the web via email – just send an email to this address and put any web URL in the body of the message. The email server will retrieve the corresponding web page and sends it back to you as an email message. Such web-to-email gateways can come handy for receiving on-demand Stock quotes (for the current Google stock price, type, weather updates, currency exchange rates (for USD to INR, type and more.

16. – Forward any email message to this address and the service will convert the message to PDF and send it back to you almost instantly. If there are any attachments in the message, you can forward them to for conversion into PDF format.

17. – You can use the web convert service to fetch web pages via email in PDF format. Just send any hyperlink (URL) to this email address and it will return the PDF version of the page. If there are multiple links in the email message, only the first link will be converted to PDF.

Thanks to -Amit Agarwal & Ajit thakur

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visit on:Convert your Emails to PDF through Email Itself

must share ..

Convert your Emails to PDF through Email Itself

Convert your Emails to PDF through Email Itself

Google Chrome has a built-in PDF
writer so you can easily convert any
email message into a PDF file within
the browser itself but if you are
reading your emails on a mobile phone
or a tablet, you would need some sort
of a PDF conversion app.
Alternatively, you can forward the
original email message to

and theservice will send a PDF version of the
message back to you in a second or
two. I tried converting a plain text
email message as well as one with
HTML tags and the conversion was
almost perfect in both instances.

If there are any Word, Excel or
Powerpoint attachments inside the
mail, you can forward the files to

they’ll come back to you in PDF
format. Zamzar is another helpful
service that let you convert files by
email but the advantage with is that it sends you the
converted PDF file by email itself, you
don’t have to visit their website to
download the PDF.
You may also use the service to
retrieve web pages as PDFs. Just send
the web address (URL) of the page in
the body of the email message to

and the
service will send you the full page in
PDF format. This feature can be used
for viewing pages that otherwise aren’t
accessible due to internet filters.
The site’s privacy policy says that they
store your email message on their
server only during the conversion

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visit on :How to format a write-protected pendrive or memory card?

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

How to format a write-protected pendrive or memory card?

How to format a write-protected pendrive or memory card??

Some memory cards and USB pen drives have write protection switches, which allows you to prevent files from being deleted, or any new files being written to the device. It also prevents the drive or card from being formatted.

Occasionally, you’ll find that a USB flash drive will refuse to format and Windows will tell you that it is write protected, even though there is no switch.
Here are a couple of methods you can try to format the drive and remove the write protection. Bear in mind that there is no guarantee that they will work for you: your drive or memory card may be corrupt or broken and no utility or low-level formatting tool will make it work again. The only solution in this case is to buy a new drive.

Removing write-protection in the Registry using Regedit.exe

In any version of Windows from XP onwards,

run Regedit.exe (searching regedit will usually show the program at the top of the list).

Navigate to the following key:


Double-click on the WriteProtect value in the right-hand pane of Regedit.exe. Change the Value data from 1 to 0 and click OK to save the change. Close Regedit and restart your computer. Connect your USB drive again, and you should find it is no longer write protected. You can now format the drive as normal by right-clicking on it in My Computer and choosing Format.
If you can’t find StorageDevicePolicies, you can try creating a key by right-clicking in the white space in the Control folder and choosing New -> Key and carefully entering the name.

Now double-click on the new key (folder) and right-click once again and choose New -> DWORD. Name it WriteProtect and set its value to 0. Click OK, exit Regedit and reboot your computer.

If this method doesn’t work, try the following:

Removing write-protection using Diskpart

With your USB drive plugged in, launch a command prompt. Do this by searching for cmd.exe in the Start menu (or Start screen in Windows 8). In Windows XP, click Start then Run, and type cmd.exe in the box.

NOTE: you may need to run Cmd.exe with administrator privileges if you see an “access is denied” message.
To do that, right-click on the shortcut and choose Run as administrator. In Windows 8, simply choose Command prompt (admin).

Now, type the following, pressing Enter after each command:

list disk
select disk x (where x is the number of your USB flash drive – use the capacity to work out which one it is)

attributes disk clear readonly
create partition primary
format fs=fat32 (you can swap fat32 for ntfs if you only need to use the drive with Windows computers)

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Turn Your Webcam into a Spy Cam

Turn Your Webcam into a Spy Cam

You can now easily monitor your room, office or workplace for activities going on during your absence without having to invest on expensive hidden cameras. If you’ve ever wondered to find a way to turn your PC webcam into a spy camera, here is a simple and effective solution. This can be really handy to monitor your children and pets in home or even catch a cheating spouse red handed! For this, all you need is a computer with an Internet connection and a webcam attached to it.
If your computer meets the above simple requirements, then you are all set to go. The site called provides a free solution to simply transform your webcam into a powerful spy camera in just a few steps. You can sign-up for a free account and start using the service immediately.
Since UGOlog service runs as a web application from within the browser, there is no need to install any additional software on your computer. That means, when your spouse or children look through the installed programs, they don’t find anything that arouses suspicion.

The following are some of the advantages of using UGOlog service over other software programs or a conventional spy camera:
Firstly, the service comes for free, so that you don’t need to buy anything to start with.
Unlike software programs such as “Webcam Monitor” which is complicated to configure and lacks stealth operation, UGOlog needs no installation and is simple to setup.
UGOlog comes with powerful features such as as motion detection, email alerts, and interval snapshots.
You have the option to view the camera remotely from anywhere just by logging into your UGOlog account.

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How to protect USB Virus from entering PC?

How to protect USB Virus from entering PC?

Hi friends, i have a sloution for ur issue.
You can make ur normal pen drive to virus
protected pendrive. for that u want 1 pc
which having windows vista 0r 7 os

Follow the below steps……..

1) Connect ur pen drive to pc which having widows vista or windows 7 operating
system. (The user must having Administrator rights)

2) Open ‘My Computer’ & right click on pendrive icon then select ‘Format’ option.
Before formatting you must take a back up of all of your data because it deletes whole
data from ur pen drive.

3) In Format window select file system tab & change it to ‘NTFS’ then click on ‘Start’
to start formatting.

4) After formatting done close the format window & open ur pendrive.

5) create one folder in pen drive & rename it to ‘secured’.

6) Back to ‘My Computer’ & again right click on pendrive & now select ‘Properties’

7) In properties window select security tab then click on edit & tick on ‘Deny’ for
‘Write’ permission then press ok to apply the settings.

8)Open pen drive again, right click on
‘Secured’ folder select ‘Properties’ then
‘Security’ tab.
again click on ‘Edit’ tab & set ‘Allow’
permission to ‘Full Control’ then click ok to
apply settings.

9) Open ‘Secured’ folder, create one folder into that & rename it to ‘Secured.exe’.

10) Right click on ‘Secured.exe’ folder select
‘Properties’ & make it hidden by selecting
‘Hidden’ attribute then select ‘security’ tab
click on ‘Edit’ & set ‘Deny’ permission to
‘Full Control’ .

11) Press ‘Ok’ to apply the settings. Now ur pen drive is virus protected. but u
can’t copy files into that directly. u need to copy all of ur files to the secured
folder & I recommand that copy ur software setup files
to the zip folder so, virus can’t access software’s exe files.

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